
Don Chapman

Don Chapman

Composer / arranger Don Chapman’s passion is for the Church, music and technology, and he blends all three into several resource websites devoted to contemporary worship: Hymncharts.com, Worshiphymns.com, Worshipscores.com and WorshipFlow.com. He’s the editor of the weekly WorshipIdeas.com newsletter that’s read by over 50,000 worship leaders across the world. A prolific arranger and songwriter, Don has had songs published by Word, Integrity Music, G3worship and Worship Today, and has orchestrated music for CCM artist Jeremy Camp.

Don has created HYMNDEX as a labor of love to help new generations learn about the lives, legacies and lyrics of historic hymn writers.

I’ve created contemporary hymn arrangements for over 20 years at my Hymncharts website, and I’ve always known that many had dramatic origin stories. However, it wasn’t until I recently started researching more of them for my hymn histories that I discovered just how many incredible stories there are! The lives behind the hymns we’ve cherished for years are filled with inspiring stories of historical faith – a timeless reminder that is especially relevant today. Join me in learning about these musical saints who walked before us, and be inspired by their devotion to Jesus.

I originally intended HYMNDEX to be a tool for contemporary churches to easily build their lyrics slides. But the website has started taking on an expanded direction – use it for inspiration and encouragement whether you lead worship yourself or worship in the congregation!