William Dix

William Dix

Born: June 14, 1837, Bris­tol, Eng­land.
Died: Sep­tem­ber 9, 1898, Ched­dar, Ax­bridge, So­mer­set, Eng­land.
Buried: St. An­drew’s Church, Ched­dar, So­mer­set, Eng­land.

Hymns by William Dix

William Chatterton Dix: A Life of Devotion and Verse

Too often do we look at our current situation and think God can’t use us where we are. After all, what impact could we make with our ordinary life? William Chatterton Dix proves that God can work through anyone, anywhere, to create a lasting legacy of faith.

A Surgeon’s Son with a Passion for Poetry

Born in Bristol, England on June 14, 1837, William was the son of a surgeon who instilled in him a love for the written word. Though William followed a different professional path, becoming a marine insurance manager in Glasgow, he shared his father’s passion for poetry and prose.

Finding Purpose in the Valley of Suffering

William’s true calling was revealed during a time of intense personal trial. At age 29, he was struck with a severe illness that left him bedridden for months, plunging him into depression. Yet it was in this valley of darkness that William found renewed purpose, seeking solace in the pages of Scripture.

As he immersed himself in God’s Word, William was inspired to express his faith through verse. Out of his suffering blossomed some of Christendom’s most beloved hymns and carols, including “What Child is This?”, “As with Gladness, Men of Old”, “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus” and “Come Unto Me, Ye Weary.” A gifted writer with a singular talent for hymn-writing, William’s works beautifully capture the hope and comfort found in Christ.

A Quiet Life of Faithful Service

Though he could have pursued fame, William chose to live a quiet, humble life, dedicating his gifts to God’s service. He published two devotional books and a children’s book focused on modeling a Christ-like life. Whether at his desk penning hymns or at his day job serving clients, William’s life was a testament to the truth that God can use us mightily right where He has placed us.

A Legacy that Points to the Savior

After a lifetime of faithfulness, William Chatterton Dix passed into glory on September 9, 1898 in Cheddar, Somerset, England. He was laid to rest at his parish church, leaving behind a treasure trove of hymns that continue to stir hearts and point people to the Savior.

In a world that celebrates fame and fortune, William’s story reminds us that a life devoted to Christ is the only true path to significance. May we, like him, bloom for God’s glory wherever we are planted.

Don Chapman

Don Chapman

Composer/arranger Don Chapman has created HYMNDEX as a labor of love to help new generations learn about the lives, legacies and lyrics of historic hymn writers.